
Better Hiring: 7 Ways to Attract Talent

You want great talent on your team – the best, actually. Do you have the right mix to attract those seemingly-elusive-yet-outstanding team members often referred to as “unicorns”?

Maybe. But, also, maybe not? How do you know if your organization is properly set up to recruit these not-so-mythical professionals?

You Need to Actively Find Candidates Instead of Hoping They Come to You.

A typical hiring routine involves updating a job description, posting the role on the company website, and, perhaps, sharing the opportunity on social media. A couple of resumes come in. They’re sifted through and sorted into “yes” or “no” piles. Interviews are arranged.

The problem with sticking to the usual routine? You rarely find unicorns. Taking a more active role in recruiting the talent you want –  developing a solid network, sharing your corporate culture, and ensuring those who hire have the right skills – can all boost your chances of finding the best of the best.

Attracting the Right People to Your Organization Improves When You…

Meet people

Get good at identifying people who bring something special to the table who you’d like to work with or could recommend to others.

Building strong relationships with talented individuals can be incredibly valuable in the long run. Even if you don’t have an immediate job opening, maintaining professional connections creates a network you can tap into when the time is right. You may also come across opportunities where you can recommend them to others or collaborate on projects together.

By continuously expanding and nurturing your network of skilled individuals, you strengthen your own capabilities and contribute to the broader professional community. These relationships can lead to mutually beneficial collaborations and open doors to new opportunities when you least expect them.

Know your corporate culture

Can you describe your culture, values, and philosophy to others? What are the qualities of successful team members?

Make sure you can clearly define and communicate your organization’s culture. Share what sets your company apart and what you stand for. Describe the qualities and characteristics that define successful team members within your organization.

When you can effectively convey your culture, you attract right-fit individuals and foster a stronger sense of belonging and purpose among your existing team members. Culture becomes the glue that binds your organization together and propels everyone toward shared goals and success.

Tell your story

Don’t be boring. The vague (and overused) statements of “great culture” and “competitive benefits” don’t cut it. Developing and sharing a strong organizational story compels people to join your team and take on the professional challenges presented by your opportunity.

Highlight the exciting aspects of your company, such as employee development programs, leadership training initiatives, clear goal-setting and measurement tools, and more. Paint a vivid picture of the professional challenges and growth opportunities that your organization offers. Use real-life examples and success stories to demonstrate how employees have thrived and advanced within your company.

By providing this level of detail and authenticity, you make your job postings more appealing and attract candidates who are genuinely excited about your opportunities. It’s all about showcasing the tangible benefits of being a part of your team and inspiring talented individuals to want to join your journey.

Paint a picture

Make sure to articulate the potential career and growth opportunities – not just the job requirements. Focus on what your preferred candidate will want to hear: challenges offered by the role’s key project areas, new skills to be learned, and professional development offerings. Painting a rich picture of a role can move potential candidates beyond “interested” and toward “wildly enthusiastic.”

Remember, candidates are not just looking for a job; they’re seeking a path for personal and professional growth. Demonstrating how your organization can provide that path will entice motivated, enthusiastic individuals who are excited about the potential challenges and opportunities.

Balance vetting with romance

To successfully attract and retain A-players, ensure that your interview process aligns with the earlier steps. Make it a positive experience that reflects your company’s culture, respects their time, and keeps them engaged and informed throughout.

Showcase your organization as a place where they can thrive and grow, emphasizing the unique value they’ll bring and the exciting challenges they’ll tackle. By creating a positive and transparent interview experience, you attract top talent and leave a lasting impression that sets the stage for a successful, mutually beneficial working relationship.

Interview from unconventional angles

In his book, The Ideal Team Player, Patrick Lencioni suggests stepping away from traditional Q&A interviews and getting creative with the venue (e.g., going for a walk or run, taking candidates on an errand). He believes you can observe a person’s true character and behavior better when immersed in real-life situations.

Another innovative approach Lencioni proposes is asking candidates to demonstrate their skills by doing something rather than simply explaining how to do it. This can help you assess their technical abilities along with their capacity to perform under pressure and adapt to change.

These unconventional interview methods can provide a more holistic view of candidates, helping you identify not only their qualifications but also their problem-solving skills, adaptability, and how well they align with your team’s culture and values.

Measure top talent hiring outcomes

Hiring well is a specific skill that should be tracked as a performance objective for team members who make hiring decisions.

By aligning the success of the hiring process with the performance of the individuals you bring on board, you create a more direct link between recruitment efforts and the impact on your team’s overall goals. This approach also encourages hiring professionals to focus on finding candidates who not only fit the role but also thrive in it and contribute to the organization’s success. It places emphasis on quality over quantity and long-term performance over short-term metrics.

Another excellent option for finding top-notch candidates is hiring us to do the work for you. As marketing and communications recruitment experts, it’s our job to stay connected with the best of the best in Vancouver and surrounding areas. Visit our website to get started today!


Need Help Hiring?

Smart, Savvy + Associates is a recruitment agency that specializes in connecting companies with marketing, communications and creative professionals at all levels, from coordinators to C-suite. Based in Vancouver, B.C., our team of marketers-turned-recruiters have an in-depth understanding of the industry and work diligently to find best-in-class talent for each search. Get started today.

This article was updated on August 5, 2022.