
Everything You Need to Know About: Preparing to Hire

So, you’re ready to expand your team and hire the next employee? Before you start what can be a lengthy and expensive process, it’s important to take the time to fully assess the role, the requirements, and the process.

The following checklist will ensure you’ve considered all the angles and have done the necessary ground work to start the process.

Determine Workload

If this is a new role, determine if there’s enough work to keep someone 100% occupied. It’s essential to avoid creating a position that might lead to boredom or inefficiency due to an insufficient workload.

Ensure that the role has a well-defined scope and responsibilities that justify a full-time commitment. This way, you’ll maximize productivity and job satisfaction for your new hire while optimizing your resource allocation.

Check Budget and Approvals

Before you begin the recruitment process, ensure that your organization has highlighted the addition of a new team member and that the necessary financial resources have been allocated. This step is crucial to prevent any delays or roadblocks down the line and to ensure a smooth and efficient hiring process from start to finish.

Determine Resources as Related to the Timeline

Determine when you’d like your new employee to start. Do you have enough time to hit that date? If tight on time, do you need to bring in interim resources?

Setting a clear start date is important for both your planning and the candidate’s expectations. If you’re racing against the clock, interim resources can help bridge the gap, ensuring that your team continues to operate smoothly while you search for the perfect long-term fit. This strategic approach prevents rushed decisions and allows you to focus on finding the right candidate rather than settling for the quickest one available.

Ensure Team Buy-In

Check to see if there is anyone on the team who is interested in or suitable for the new role. Do you need to address potential disappointment if someone internally wants the role but isn’t the right candidate?

In such situations, transparent communication is key. Have open discussions with internal candidates to explain why they may not be the right fit for the role, focusing on their strengths and the opportunities that align better with their skills and aspirations. This can help maintain team morale and ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the hiring decision.

Remember that promoting from within can be a great morale booster, but it should always align with the organization’s needs and the individual’s qualifications to be successful in the new role.

Identify Turnover Causes

Think about what the turnover has been like in that department. Whether high or low, find out why. If high, have you identified the right people to join in the past? If low, find out why people stay and use that as part of the selling features for the new position.

On the other hand, if turnover has been low, find out why people stay, and use that as part of the selling features for the new position. Highlighting the positive aspects of your workplace culture, growth opportunities, and job satisfaction can be a compelling recruitment strategy. Understanding and leveraging your organization’s retention strengths can help you attract top talent who value stability and a positive work environment.

Assess the Job Description

Assess the existing job description to see if it needs to be altered or re-written. Job roles and expectations can evolve over time, and it’s important to ensure that the job description accurately reflects the current needs of the role.

Make any necessary updates to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the position, including responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations. This will help attract candidates who are the best fit for the role and ensure alignment between your organization’s needs and the candidate’s skills and interests.

Determine Your Department’s Needs for this Role

If this is a replacement role, examine why the former employee moved on and what the new person can bring to the role. If it’s a new position, really flesh out what you need/want this person to do.

If it’s a new position, take time to thoroughly flesh out what you need and want this person to do. Clearly define the role’s objectives, responsibilities, and desired outcomes. This step is crucial for ensuring that the new position aligns with your organization’s strategic goals and that the candidate you hire is well-prepared to contribute to your team’s success from day one.

Determine if it’s a Growth or Maintenance Role?

Decide if the role has enough scope to allow growth or if it’s really more of a maintenance role. This helps you identify some of the necessary attributes of the person you are about to hire.

If the position offers room for growth and innovation, you’ll want to look for candidates who possess not only the skills to excel in their current responsibilities but also the potential to adapt and take on new challenges as the role evolves. On the other hand, if it’s primarily a maintenance role, focus on finding someone who excels in consistent execution and attention to detail, as these qualities will be key to ensuring the ongoing stability and performance of that function within your organization. Clarifying the role’s growth potential helps you align your hiring strategy with your long-term objectives.

Assess “Best Fit” Employee Traits for the Role

Determine overall what type of individual will best fit with the team and with the organization. Think of the people who’ve been successful to date and assess their attributes and personality characteristics.

Successful team dynamics often rely on a combination of skills, personalities, and values that complement each other. Take a close look at the individuals who have thrived within your organization and consider what qualities have contributed to their success. Are they known for their adaptability, collaborative spirit, innovation, or leadership skills? By identifying these attributes, you can create a clearer picture of the kind of candidate who is likely to thrive within your team and align with your organization’s culture and values. This proactive approach can lead to more successful hires who seamlessly integrate into your existing work environment.

Consider Compensation

Check out the market for this position and give thought to compensation. To minimize the risk of losing any existing hires, take your market information and assess whether this is the time to review everyone’s salary to check all are in line.

Competitive compensation is a critical factor in attracting and retaining top talent. Research industry standards and local market rates for the position you’re hiring for to ensure that your compensation package is competitive. Moreover, consider conducting a broader salary review to ensure that your current team’s salaries are in line with market benchmarks. Addressing any disparities proactively not only helps in retaining your existing employees but also sets a positive tone for potential new hires who will see your commitment to fair and competitive compensation practices.

Sell It

Be able to articulate the key selling points of the position and the organization.

In today’s competitive job market, it’s essential to effectively communicate why a candidate should choose your organization and the specific role you’re offering. Highlight the unique aspects that set your company apart, such as your company culture, growth opportunities, work-life balance, and any exceptional benefits you provide. Similarly, emphasize what makes the position itself attractive, including the potential for skill development, career progression, and the impact the role has on the organization’s success. This clear and compelling messaging will not only attract top talent but also help ensure that candidates who join your team do so with a strong understanding of the value they bring and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Determine Support Availability

Ask yourself if you or the person who will be managing the new hire has enough time to settle a new employee into the role.

Onboarding a new employee effectively requires time and attention. It’s crucial to assess whether you or the designated manager will be able to dedicate the necessary time to ensure a smooth transition and integration for the new team member. Adequate onboarding not only helps the new hire become productive more quickly but also contributes to their job satisfaction and long-term retention.

If time constraints are an issue, consider allocating resources or adjusting workloads to accommodate the onboarding process, ensuring that the new employee receives the support they need to succeed.

Check Space Needs

Ensure you have the space to accommodate a new person.

Physical workspace is often an overlooked but critical aspect of bringing in a new team member. Before hiring, evaluate whether you have the necessary office space, equipment, and resources to comfortably accommodate the new employee. Consider not only their immediate workspace but also access to common areas, meeting rooms, and any other facilities they’ll require to perform their job effectively. Ensuring that you have the physical infrastructure in place will contribute to a smooth and productive onboarding process for the new team member.

Map out the Interview Process

Who needs to be interviewed, where are they located, and how far in advance do you have to book their calendar?

Coordinating interviews with various team members and stakeholders is a crucial step in the hiring process. Identify the key individuals who will participate in the interview process and their availability. Take into account any potential scheduling challenges, especially if interviewers are located in different geographic regions or have busy calendars. Booking interview slots well in advance ensures that you can streamline the interview process and make it as efficient as possible, helping you secure top talent in a timely manner.

Contact HR

Contact Human Resources to determine how you/they are going to find the person.

Collaborating with your HR department is essential for a successful recruitment process. HR can provide valuable insights into sourcing strategies, job posting platforms, and recruitment methods that align with your organization’s needs and industry standards. Discuss the recruitment plan with HR to leverage their expertise in finding and attracting the right candidates, whether it involves internal referrals, job boards, social media, or other recruitment channels. This partnership ensures a well-coordinated and effective hiring process from start to finish.

© Sheila Carney of Vantage Resourcing. Used with permission.


Need Help Hiring?

Smart, Savvy + Associates is a recruitment agency that specializes in connecting companies with marketing, communications and creative professionals at all levels, from coordinators to C-suite. Based in Vancouver, B.C., our team of marketers-turned-recruiters have an in-depth understanding of the industry and work diligently to find best-in-class talent for each search. Get started today.