
What’s Your Story? Our 5-Step Elevator Pitch Builder

“Can you give me a two-minute overview of you?” 

It’s always one of my first questions when screening a new candidate. And, without fail, the mood shifts. It gets awkward.  

From there, the conversation tends to follow one of three paths: 

  • + Dazed and confused: “Do you mean about me as a person or my work history?” Well, I’m definitely not asking about your romantic history. Let’s agree that – at least, in this professional setting – you (as a person) and you (as in your work history) are the same.  
  • + Ramble on: A long-winded, high-in-detail-and-low-in-focus monologue that just keeps going. I get lost somewhere between where you were born, your first job in high school, and your latest management philosophy.  
  • + Total recall: A chronological breakdown of your work history, usually recited bullet-for-bullet from your hard-copy resume. The same one that has been sitting in front of me since we started to chat.  
  • Despite the running cliche of mirror-practiced elevator pitches, most people lack the ability to answer this simple, focused question: “Who are you and why are you here?” 

Taking the time to prepare a well-thought-out answer for professional settings is valuable. Whether you’re sitting in an interview or mingling at a networking event, being able to succinctly articulate your skills and convey your value in two minutes (or less) makes a strong, lasting impression.  

(And positive impressions open doors and build connections faster than you can imagine!) 

If you’re ready to pull together your personalized pitch, here’s a five-step outline you can use to get started and adjust to fit your needs:  

             I’m an <industry> expert with a passion for X and Y. 

              I ended up here through my experiences as a <job title> at <company name>,  

             And through my <personal interest/additional experience> that <developed my skills/formed my> X and Y. 

             I bring <skills/experience/qualities> to a future employer.

              I’m currently seeking opportunities where I can do XYZ (or add value in XYZ ways). 

As an example, a marketing professional’s pitch might look like this: 

“As a marketing and communications expert, I’m fueled by a passion for storytelling and branding. With experience as a Senior Marketing Specialist at XYZ Company, I’ve mastered crafting engaging campaigns. 

My journey blends professional experience with a personal love for visual arts, giving me a unique perspective that merges strategy and creativity seamlessly.  

I bring a strategic mindset, creativity, and meticulous attention to every project. I excel at developing innovative strategies and crafting compelling content that resonates with audiences. Right now, I’m currently seeking opportunities to leverage my skills and drive impactful connections, whether it’s shaping brand narratives, creating dynamic campaigns, or leading teams.”

And a communications professional’s elevator pitch might follow something along these lines:

“As a Communications Director, I bring a wealth of experience in crafting impactful narratives and fostering connections. From my role as Communications. Manager at ABC Company, I’ve honed my skills in PR campaigns and media relations. 

My background in journalism and PR equips me with a deep understanding of storytelling and strategic communications. I excel in message development and stakeholder engagement, navigating complex landscapes with ease. 

I’m eager to lead dynamic communication strategies that drive organizational success. Whether it’s shaping messaging, managing reputation, or enhancing internal engagement, I’m ready to make a difference.”


You might initially end up with a lengthier draft that’s better suited to a LinkedIn profile or a cover letter – and that’s great! Creating a longer version gives you a strong foundation for tailoring and tweaking to your format and audience. Keep these important tips in mind as you refine your pitch:  

  • + Keep it concise: Even though I ask for a “two-minute overview,” an elevator pitch should be no longer than 30-60 seconds, roughly the time it takes to ride an elevator. Keeping it short and strong is the best way to hold your audience’s attention. Focus on the most essential information about yourself.  
  • + Highlight your unique selling points: Name the key strengths, skills, and experiences that set you apart from others in your field. Emphasize what makes you unique and valuable to potential employers.  
  • + Focus on the benefits, not just the features: Instead of simply listing your qualifications, explain how your skills and experiences can help the employer. Demonstrate your value proposition and how you can contribute to their success. 
  • + Tailor it to your audience: Customize your pitch based on the specific job or industry you’re targeting. Highlight aspects of your background that are most relevant to the position or company you’re interested in.  
  • + Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your elevator pitch until it flows naturally and confidently. Practice in front of a mirror, with friends or family, or record yourself to find areas for improvement. 


When I ask for a two-minute overview of you, I want to hear an interesting, attention-grabbing, honest-to-goodness account of what brought you to our meeting and what makes you “you.”  

I’ve scanned your resume. I know the stats. A true elevator pitch on your professional brand should elevate those facts by succinctly outlining who you are, how you stand apart, and where you want to go. And by the end of your pitch, I want to believe you can get there.  

Ready to Make a Move? 

Smart, Savvy + Associates is a boutique recruitment agency that specializes in helping companies find and hire the marketing, communications, and creative professionals they need. From coordinators to C-suite, Smart Savvy is here to simplify the recruitment process and provide best-in-class candidates for their clients in (and around) Vancouver, BC.  

Looking for your next career move? Visit our job board to apply for an open role or join our ever-growing talent network today.