
Why Use a Marketing Recruitment Agency?

Ever been stuck in a complex, drawn-out hiring process that results in being unable to find the right person? (Or worse, hiring the entirely wrong person.) Have you sifted through countless resume submissions only to realize none of them have the skills and experience you need? 

Just like that, you’re right back at the beginning. Now with less time and more stress. And zero prospects. 

We understand how challenging it is to find skilled marketers in a crowded industry. Since 2007, our recruitment team at Smart Savvy has been making it easier for companies in (and around) Vancouver to find and hire the marketing, communications, and creative professionals they need. 

If you’re struggling to find the professional you need, consider using a specialized recruitment agency to help you find your next team member.  

Why Hire a Specialized Recruitment Agency?

Industry Knowledge

Specialized recruitment agencies often have a deep understanding of their industry, including trends, technologies, and specific skill sets required for different roles. This expertise allows them to better identify and assess qualified candidates who match your company’s unique needs. 

Access to a Niche Talent Pool

Specialized agencies typically have established networks and databases of qualified candidates in the industry. This gives them access to a pool of professionals with specific skills and experience that may be harder to find through general recruitment channels. And because they also have direct contact details, they can often connect with these individuals about opportunities much faster than others. 

Efficient Screening Processes

Specialized agencies are equipped with the knowledge and tools to efficiently screen and evaluate candidates. They can assess not only technical skills but also soft skills, cultural fit, and industry-specific knowledge, ensuring that the candidates presented to you are well-suited for your marketing roles. 

Quick and Targeted Recruitment

Specialized agencies can streamline the recruitment process by quickly identifying suitable candidates. This allows them to promptly connect you with individuals who possess the required qualifications and experience, saving you time and resources. 

Understanding of Local Market Dynamics

A specialized recruitment agency in Vancouver will have insights into the local job market, salary trends, and competitive landscape. This knowledge is valuable when crafting job offers and ensuring your organization stays competitive in attracting top marketing talent in the region. 

Customized Recruitment Strategies

Specialized agencies can tailor their recruitment strategies to align with your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for candidates with expertise in digital marketing, content creation, or other areas, they can customize their approach to find the right fit for your organization. 


Partnering with a specialized recruitment agency in Vancouver for marketing positions can enhance your hiring process by leveraging industry expertise, accessing a targeted talent pool, and streamlining the recruitment journey for more effective results. 

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks to Using a Recruitment Agency?

Using a recruitment agency can offer several benefits, but it also comes with potential drawbacks. Here’s a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages to consider as you evaluate your next steps. 

Benefits to Using a Recruitment Agency:

  • + Access to a Larger Talent Pool: Recruitment agencies often have extensive networks and databases, allowing them to tap into a wider pool of candidates, including passive job seekers. 
  • + Time and Cost Savings: Outsourcing the recruitment process to an agency can save your organization time and resources. Agencies are equipped to handle tasks such as job advertising, candidate screening, and initial interviews. 
  • + Expertise and Industry Knowledge: Specialized recruitment agencies possess industry-specific knowledge and expertise. This can be valuable when hiring for specialized roles, ensuring that candidates not only have the required skills but also understand the nuances of the industry. 
  • + Efficient Screening Process: Agencies typically have established processes for screening candidates, which can include skills assessments and thorough background checks. This helps in presenting qualified candidates who are more likely to meet your requirements. 
  • + Confidentiality: In situations where discretion is crucial, such as when replacing an employee or hiring for a sensitive position, recruitment agencies can maintain confidentiality throughout the hiring process. 

Drawbacks to Using a Recruitment Agency:

  • + Costs: Recruitment agencies charge fees for their services, usually calculated as a percentage of the hired candidate’s first-year salary.  
  • + Quality of Candidates: While agencies aim to provide the best candidates, there may be instances where the quality of candidates presented doesn’t meet expectations. Clearly communicating your requirements can help mitigate this risk. 
  • + Communication Challenges: Miscommunication or a lack of understanding between the hiring organization and the recruitment agency can lead to mismatches in candidate selection. Regular and clear communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings. 
  • + Loss of Direct Control: When relying on a recruitment agency, there may be a perceived loss of control over the hiring process. As recruiters pitch job openings to candidates, they also become brand representatives – and not all agencies will reflect your brand in the way you want. It’s essential to establish a collaborative relationship and maintain open communication to address concerns and preferences. 


Using a recruitment agency can be a strategic decision, providing access to expertise and a broader talent pool while saving time. However, organizations should carefully consider the associated costs and potential risks and work collaboratively with the agency to ensure successful outcomes.  

Why Hire Smart, Savvy + Associates?

You want to build a successful marketing team, and it can be challenging to find the people you need. Hiring can be quite a process – struggling to get your job posting in front of the right eyes, sifting through resumes to find the ideal mix of skills and experience, setting up interview after interviews. It’s a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack. (And honestly, who has all that time?) 

At Smart, Savvy + Associates, we’re here to make hiring easier. As Vancouver’s top recruitment agency that specializes in marketing, communications and creative roles, we know how challenging it is to find the right person in a competitive field. Our team of marketers-turned-recruiters understand where you’re at, the roles you need to fill, and the right mix of skills and experience required to ensure the best fit.  

Looking to fill a marketing, communications or creative position on your team. Let us take the heavy lifting off your to-do list.  

As your recruitment partner, we will: 

        Give you thoroughly screened candidates to consider, ones who are a skills fit for the role and a culture fit for your company. 

        Support you as much (or as little) as you’d like through each stage of the hiring process. 

        Continue to cheer you on as your new hire settles in, checking in on how everything is going during your first year together. 

What to Expect When You Work With Us

We get it done. 

We’re here to make hiring easier for our clients. We entrench ourselves in your business to deeply understand, develop and identify your ideal candidate. Then, the search and vetting process begins. And it doesn’t end until we’ve found the right person for the right job – a win for you and a win for us. 

We know the right people. 

At the end of the day, we’re in the business of knowing the right people. After 16 years (and counting) in the industry and hundreds of successful placements, our small but mighty team of marketing and creative professionals is one of the most connected agencies in the Vancouver area.  

We’re in the business of creating connection. 

Our job is about more than just a placement or a commission – it’s about people. This means taking the time to truly understand both sides – their expectations, their pain points and their goals. At the end of the day, our focus has and will always be on cultivating the right connection.  

We’re quality over quantity 

Good recruitment isn’t a volume game. Rather than throwing a bunch of candidates your way to see which one “sticks,” we do our homework. We form deep connections you don’t see too often in this industry. We take a client-first approach, to truly understand what your business needs are and who you should have on your team to meet those needs. 

We’re respectfully upfront. 

We’re not here for surface-level conversations. To make those meaningful connections between our clients and candidates, we need to establish a foundation of authentic transparency. From what we’re seeing in the market, to the challenges that come with recruiting, no topic is off-limits, no book is closed. 

Hiring new team members can – but doesn’t have to – be a challenging process. Using a recruitment agency provides several benefits, including giving you access to a wider pool of talent, saving time and money, offering industry expertise, providing valuable insights, and maintaining confidentiality.  

Plus, gaining a little extra peace of mind and enjoying a clear(er) calendar aren’t so bad either. 


Ready to Hire? 

Smart, Savvy + Associates is a marketing recruitment agency that connects companies with marketing, communications and creative professionals at all levels, from coordinators to C-suite. Based in Vancouver, BC, this team of marketers-turned-recruiters have an in-depth understanding of the industry and work diligently to find best-in-class talent for each search. Get started today.